iPad Apps for Guided Reading

As iPads become more and more common in schools, I am asked more frequently for suggestions of apps in so many areas.  Many of us have had the experience of downloading an app that looks like it will meet our needs - but once we download it from the iTunes store it isn't quite what

How do I use a Switch with an iPad? - June 2012 update!

This blog post has been updated. Please see the new entry at http://www.janefarrall.com/blog/2013/09/29/how-do-i-use-a-switch-with-an-ipad-ios-7-overview/ There have been some very positive changes towards more comprehensive switch access to the iPad recently - so I thought it was time for an updated blog entry on this topic! And before I start on this topic in earnest, I just

Speaking APPropriately: AAC Apps for iPad

  Presentation and handouts for my hands-on AAC Apps session at the Inclusive Learning Technologies Conference 2012. Click here to download the handout for the presentation. Click here to download the step-by-step instruction sheets for the hands-on activities.

Unus Tactus Dialling Screenshot E1392464453635 100x100

Unus Tactus - a new simple phone App

Unus Tactus is a really fabulous new App for the iPhone - which allows a user to access a simple picture based phone directory to make calls. Creating an entry is short and simple - just press the plus icon at the top of the screen and add a new person - type their name,