Word Wall Oxford 500

  10 years ago I started Jane Farrall Consulting – and also started this blog. Over this time, I have blogged quite a bit about word walls – about setting them up and using them. They are such a valuable tool for our conventional literacy learners. In Australia, the Oxford Word List is the most

The Problems with Hand-Over-Hand

Please note: an updated version of this is available at https://janefarrall.com/the-problems-with-hand-over-hand-v2-0/ Last week, I made an infographic called “The Problems with Hand-Over-Hand” and shared it on my Facebook page. I’ve had a few requests from people who couldn’t find it on Facebook – and so I’ve put it up here for easier access. Thanks to

AAC is Magic #AACaware21

It’s October – and October is AAC Awareness Month. Each year for AAC Awareness Month, lots of people around the world run AAC Awareness events aimed at raising the profile of AAC in their community. The hashtag for this year is #AACaware21 – check it out on social media! I’m very lucky this year to

Shared Reading: Book Week 2021

It’s Book Week again here in Australia – hooray!! Since I love books, I also love Book Week!! With a lot of Australia’s population currently in lockdown, I’m sure there are parents who are celebrating that they don’t have to create book week costumes for once! And I’m equally sure that there are lots of

Developmental Writing Instruction: Writing assessment, development, teaching and learning. New Online Course!

I am delighted to announce a new online course focusing just on writing. This 8 hour, self-paced learning course is designed to provide in-depth information, knowledge, resources and support for helping every student to become a better writer, from the earliest emergent writers to conventional writers learning to write more. The course covers: Overview of

Word Walls: Planning a Year of Word Wall

When we work with transitional and conventional literacy learners, we need to ensure that the Working with Words block occurs as part of their daily literacy teaching. The working with words block consists of work in two areas: phonics instruction and sight words.  This blog post will focus on sight words – and the use

Book Tips for Older Readers

I am addicted to listening to audiobooks and Podcasts while gardening – it’s my Saturday catch up time! This morning I listened to the current Lomah Podcast episode with the amazing Sally Clendon. If you haven’t caught up with this, the Lomah Podcast is running a special 15 episode series at the moment on literacy