Introduction to Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Students with CCN – Site Licences

This time last week I launched my first online course “Introduction to Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Students with Complex Communication Needs“. There’s been so much great feedback on it already – thank-you to everyone who has signed up and shared information.

Lots of schools have enquired about the site licence options – so I have now made a flyer to share that information. You can download it below:

The site licence is available in two options: one for 6 – 10 staff and one for 10+ staff.

Purchase of a site licence provides 12 months access to the course. Each participant can progress through the course at their own pace – and upon completion they will each receive a certificate. Extra participants can be added at any time during the period of the site licence.

Up to three people can be nominated at your site to log in and monitor progress for all participants at your site.

Please email if you have any questions!


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Comments (4)

  1. Izzy Staples


    Hi Jane,
    The course is amazing and I have been working my way though the different sections. I’ve taken a lot away ready for the start of the school year and looking at how I am going to implement them into the classroom. In your comprehension instruction and independent reading sections, you mention about the book review sheet from the Centre of Literacy and Disability Studies to use as a guide. Where would I find this? I’ve tried google, going through each section of their website and I’m not getting very far.

    • jane


      HI Izzy, thanks for the feedback. I’ll email you the book review sheet (and I’ll add it to the course as a download) now. Sorry it’s been so hard to find!

  2. Heather


    Hi Jane, I just finished this course and I loved it. It was very informative. Thank you for creating it.

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