2025 Literacy Intensive

We’re excited to announce the details of the 2025 Literacy Intensive Course. The course will be held in July next year, at Glenroy Specialist School, in Melbourne. The course is a 5 day deep dive into comprehensive literacy instruction for all students, with a focus on students with significant disabilities. The course includes units on:

Online Course: Introduction to Comprehensive Literacy Instruction v2 now available!

I am delighted to announce that the updated version of the Introduction to Comprehensive Literacy Instruction course is now available! The course is now available for registration at https://janefarrallconsulting.thinkific.com/courses/introduction-to-comprehensive-literacy-instruction-version-2 To get more information about the course you can download the flyer below. An additional flyer around the site licences is also available below. If you

Word Wall Oxford 500

  10 years ago I started Jane Farrall Consulting – and also started this blog. Over this time, I have blogged quite a bit about word walls – about setting them up and using them. They are such a valuable tool for our conventional literacy learners. In Australia, the Oxford Word List is the most

Word Walls: Planning a Year of Word Wall

When we work with transitional and conventional literacy learners, we need to ensure that the Working with Words block occurs as part of their daily literacy teaching. The working with words block consists of work in two areas: phonics instruction and sight words.  This blog post will focus on sight words – and the use

Making a Portable Word Wall

Portable word walls are an important part of our toolkit when working with transitional and conventional literacy learners. I’ve written a number of posts about how to setup a word wall and how we use them – in both the working with words block and in writing. After my recent post about Using the Word

Using the Word Wall in Writing

For conventional (and transitional) students, we need to make sure they can write words which aren’t phonetically predictable – and that they can read and write high frequency words more or less instantly. The word wall activities we do in the working with words block are aimed at converting high frequency words and word family