Literacy and Complex Communication Needs: Developing Language

This is the second video I’m sharing from the Angleman UK 2019 Communication & Literacy Conference. Thanks again to Angelman UK and See Speak Hear for making this available.

In the beginning of my career, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) rapidly became the area of speech language pathology that interested me the most. I enjoyed working with and learning from individuals with complex communication needs – and nearly 30 years later I still love it.

Early in my career I realised that having a good knowledge of teaching literacy was essential – that for individuals with complex communication needs, being able to spell means that they can say anything they want to say, rather than being restricted to the words we choose for them. I have spent a lot of time learning as much as I can about literacy teaching, and how to help individuals with complex communication needs become literate.

This presentation is about the other side of that knowledge – it focuses on how literacy activities help each of us develop language, and how central that is to literacy development – in an endlessly recurring and incredibly important cycle!

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Comments (2)

  1. Eliza McGuiness


    Hi Jane,
    Where could I find the research that says literacy makes the biggest difference to post school quality of life? I’m trying to locate it to reference in a uni assignment 🙂

    • jane


      HI Eliza – it was in the Australian Curriculum review for students with disabilities – 2012. Hope my response wasn’t too late!

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