Word Wall Oxford 500


10 years ago I started Jane Farrall Consulting – and also started this blog. Over this time, I have blogged quite a bit about word walls – about setting them up and using them. They are such a valuable tool for our conventional literacy learners.

In Australia, the Oxford Word List is the most common one used in our schools. It has been through a couple of updates since it was first published, including being expanded to 500 words.

For those of you who are keen to update your classroom resources to the Oxford 500, I’ve put a download below of the words already formatted to print for your word wall. There’s also a download for a set of word family words or magic words to complement the Oxford 500.

And if you would like the words formatted for use in games and activities here are a couple of options:

And if you want more information about how to setup and/or use your word wall, there are links to all of my different blog posts about word walls on the Working with Words page on www.comprehensiveliteracy.com

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