Online Course: Introduction to Comprehensive Literacy Instruction v2 now available!

I am delighted to announce that the updated version of the Introduction to Comprehensive Literacy Instruction course is now available! The course is now available for registration at To get more information about the course you can download the flyer below. An additional flyer around the site licences is also available below. If you

Organising Books – School-Wide!

In the next couple of weeks, Australian schools are heading back from summer break. As well as the usual “return to school” bits and pieces, we are also working our way through all the extra “stuff” due to COVID – as I know everyone around the world is. I hope you are all managing and

Somebody’s Land: Shared Reading

Tomorrow in my home country, it is a National Holiday. It’s called Australia Day – and is supposed to be a day where we can come together and celebrate all the good things in this wonderful country of ours. Unfortunately, however, the date for this holiday makes it difficult for many of us to celebrate.

Shared Reading: Book Week 2021

It’s Book Week again here in Australia – hooray!! Since I love books, I also love Book Week!! With a lot of Australia’s population currently in lockdown, I’m sure there are parents who are celebrating that they don’t have to create book week costumes for once! And I’m equally sure that there are lots of

Book Tips for Older Readers

I am addicted to listening to audiobooks and Podcasts while gardening – it’s my Saturday catch up time! This morning I listened to the current Lomah Podcast episode with the amazing Sally Clendon. If you haven’t caught up with this, the Lomah Podcast is running a special 15 episode series at the moment on literacy

Shared Reading: Let’s Be Interactive Follow Up

This year I was very honoured to be invited to give the keynote presentation at the virtual AAC Conference, AAC in the Cloud. The topic of my session was shared reading – and my focus was on “Let’s Be Interactive”. I had set the topic before COVID-19 had such an impact on our lives –

Hello Book – in Dutch and Spanish

A few weeks ago I shared a week of emergent literacy planning on the topic of greetings, using a book I wrote called “Hello”. As I’ve mentioned before, I had a request from the fabulous Violeta for a PowerPoint version that she could translate into Dutch. Not only has she translated it but she has