Many of you will be aware of the survey conducted in 2012 by AssistiveWare, in conjunction with professors at the University of San Diego and the California State University. I know I see and hear this survey referenced frequently when people are presenting or writing about using AAC Apps on mobile technology solutions such as the iPad
AssistiveWare has now released a new survey, with input from the amazing Carole Zangari from PrAACtical AAC and with a little bit of input from me 🙂 This survey is both an update – and also covers new topics. The aim is to understand how AAC solutions are used and what the benefits and challenges are, plus to collect information on other topics, such as the vocabularies that people use and what teaching strategies are being implemented.
We’d really appreciate as many people as possible completing the survey. There are separate surveys for people who use AAC, family members of people who use AAC and professionals who support people who use AAC.
You can click on the links below to access the surveys.
The surveys will close on October 22.
Please, please, please respond to the surveys – the more people who complete them, the more data we can collect.