Word Wall Oxford 500

  10 years ago I started Jane Farrall Consulting – and also started this blog. Over this time, I have blogged quite a bit about word walls – about setting them up and using them. They are such a valuable tool for our conventional literacy learners. In Australia, the Oxford Word List is the most

Making Word Wall words in Boardmaker

Yesterday I published a post with a bunch of new word wall words as Boardmaker files. Keren made a comment that she had been trying to make her own – and that reminded me that a few people (especially Emma from Bullimbal School) had been asking me to make a “how-to” video. So – here

Word Walls: Using the Word Wall

Last month I wrote about getting your word wall ready for use.  Now they are ready – we need to use them.  There is no point having a word wall that you don’t use! Word Walls are an important resource for conventional readers and writers.  Our job, as educators, is to teach them how helpful

Word Walls: Getting the resources ready

In the next couple of weeks in Australia and New Zealand, our schools will finish their summer holidays, and students and teachers will return to the classrooms.  This means that lots of teachers are currently getting their resources together for the new school year ahead – including me. For students who are conventional readers and

Working with Letters, Sounds and Words in our Classrooms

Working with letters, sounds and words are important components of literacy instruction in our classrooms. Emergent students need explicit and incidental instruction around the alphabet and sounds, to improve their alphabet knowledge and phonological awareness.  Conventional students need to learn how words work. Below is a checklist I use with teachers in working through the

Letter of the Week: Resources for Older Students

This year, I’m working with quite a few teachers who have older students in their class who need to improve their recognition of the letters of the alphabet.  They need to be able to instantly and quickly identify letters so that they can move further along their journey of becoming readers and writers. This means