Happy New Year everyone! I hope that 2019 has lots of great times in store for you all 🙂
I’m going to take a break from my string of blog posts about writing and add to my previous blog posts about the word wall that I published in February 2017.
The first blog post was about Word Wall: Getting the Resources Ready – describing how to start setting up a word wall. The second blog post was about Word Wall: Using the Word Wall.
In these two posts I talked about the words you need for the word wall – and I provided a first year of printable word wall words based on the Oxford Word List and which included words from each of the word families in English.

Obviously as we use the word wall in our classrooms, students learn these words. And once a word becomes a sight word (both reading and writing) for all the students who are using it then we remove it from the word wall – and we continue to introduce more high frequency words.
To make this easier for those using the Oxford Word List I have created some more resources – basically the rest of the words made up in Boardmaker and ready to go. You just need Boardmaker to open, print and use them. NB some of the words are not in their word order because they were included in the word family words in the first year of words – but they are definitely all there!
Click to download each bunch of words.
Hope the resources are helpful and have a fabulous wordy year ahead! (And the next blog post will be back on the writing theme!)
Keren Hayes
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