Clicker 6: My Favourite Bits – Part 3

This is the third of three blogs aimed at covering my favourite bits of Clicker 6. There are a number of changes in Clicker 6 which support students to become more independent readers and writers – or which provide support for teachers to make or access resources more quickly. I love using Clicker for reading

Clicker 6: My Favourite Bits – Part 2

This is the second of three blogs aimed at covering my favourite bits of Clicker 6. VERY high on my list of favourites are the new tools for building word banks and picture banks. I particularly like the new word bank tool  – it is very easy and quick and will let me build a

Clicker 6: My Favourite Bits – Part 1

Clicker has long been one of my favourite literacy teaching tools.  I love the way it lets me make a range of literacy teaching (and support) materials and then tailor them for different student’s needs. When I heard that a new version of Clicker was coming I was both excited and worried. Excited to see

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Guided Reading for ALL students

Guided Reading is the process by which we can help students to be strategic in their reading – and improve their skills at getting information from books. It is a crucial part of balanced literacy instruction and is part of the Early Years classrooms in Australia, the National Literacy Strategy in England and Wales and

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Unus Tactus – a new simple phone App

Unus Tactus is a really fabulous new App for the iPhone – which allows a user to access a simple picture based phone directory to make calls. Creating an entry is short and simple – just press the plus icon at the top of the screen and add a new person – type their name,

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How do I use a switch with an iPad?

This blog post has been updated. Please see the new entry at Over the last four weeks, as I have been spending time in schools and giving workshops, one of the most common questions I have had is “How do I use a switch with an iPad?”. Talking with Alex Dunn from Inclusioneers on