This is a very short post to give the Prezi and links from my presentation yesterday at the International Society on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) 2012 Conference in Pittsburgh. I will write more next week about the conference and my highlights!
The Prezi that goes along with the presentation is below. And below that are the links to the different resources I mentioned.
- Firstly, my list of AAC apps for iPad/iPhone can be found here. (edited to add: this list has been discontinued)
- My most recent update to switch access to the iPad can be found here. (edited to add: this list has been discontinued). Since I wrote that blog in early June, there are more switch interfaces and options so I will be updating this soon.
- Kelly Fonner and Scott Marfilius have a checklist of AAC app features to look out for – which is the last page of the document at this link.
- Jessica Gosnell from Boston Children’s Hospital also has a checklist of AAC App features. (edited to add: this resource is no longer available)
- I encourage everyone to read the AAC RERC White Paper on mobile devices and apps.
And my two favourite recent blog entries that I mentioned during the presentation on this topic are:
- Robin Parker’s excellent blog called “Let’s talk about AAC and apps”
- Speech Dudes blog called “Stop with the little words grab bag in AAC”
I hope you enjoyed the presentation – and please feel free to comment, add information and ask questions on my blog anytime 🙂
Jenny young
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