Picture Books for Older Readers Update

It’s the end of the Book Week here in Australia – so I thought I’d do a quick book based post.

Early in August I wrote a post about Picture Books for Older Readers which is linked to a Pinterest Board of the same name.  I’ve had several people ask me for a text based version of the Pinterest Board – so I’ve created this and you can now download it here.

Thanks to all the people who’ve suggested extra books for the list – please keep the suggestions coming!  And I hope you’ve enjoyed reading lots of books for Book Week – wherever you are.




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Comments (2)

  1. Roxane A.


    I just discovered two picture books by Bill Thomson. They are “Chalk” and “Fossil”. Both are excellent! The pictures in these books are amazing and wonderful for eliciting language from all ages.

    • jane


      Thanks Roxane. I just watched videos of them on YouTube – great wordless picture books with lots of imagination. Thanks!

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