Online Course: Introduction to Comprehensive Literacy Instruction v2 now available!

I am delighted to announce that the updated version of the Introduction to Comprehensive Literacy Instruction course is now available! The course is now available for registration at To get more information about the course you can download the flyer below. An additional flyer around the site licences is also available below. If you

Writing with All Tools Continuum v1.1

Summer is here – and the schools in all our Australian states are either on their summer break or about to finish the school year. For me, this means I get a little more time to go through notes and pull together all the comments and feedback people have given me. And, some time to

Emergent Literacy Planning

Over the last couple of weeks I have been working on more emergent literacy planning for teachers, schools and parents to use. Today I have put the first three packs up online at under emergent literacy planning. The three new packs are on the topics of feelings, preferences and descriptions. Each pack includes a

Writing in Our Classrooms

Chloe re-writing a favourite book from Tar Heel Reader Writing is a complex task, involving ideas, language, words, spelling and transcribing or selecting letters. We need to teach all of these skills – and eventually students need to be able to do all of these, within the one task, to become writers. Overall guidelines Do

Picture Books for Older Readers Update

It’s the end of the Book Week here in Australia – so I thought I’d do a quick book based post. Early in August I wrote a post about Picture Books for Older Readers which is linked to a Pinterest Board of the same name.  I’ve had several people ask me for a text based