Writing with All Tools Continuum v1.1

Summer is here – and the schools in all our Australian states are either on their summer break or about to finish the school year.

For me, this means I get a little more time to go through notes and pull together all the comments and feedback people have given me. And, some time to reflect, review and re-energise!

A lot of people who have been using the Writing with All Tools Continuum have given me notes, suggestions and ideas. I can’t thank you enough! I’m not going to mention you all by name – but I did want to make one special thank-you to Fee Kidziak at Lee Street State Special School who gave me a fabulous model of how to lay the continuum out so it was much more user friendly.

Over the last two weeks, I’ve pulled together all the comments and feedback I’ve been given – and now I happily present the Writing with All Tools Continuum v1.1. All the supporting documents have also been updated to refer to this version. You can download them all below.

Writing with All Tools Continuum v1.1
Writing samples for the Writing with All Tools Continuum v1.1
Teaching to the Next Group v1.1
Writing Continuum Guide to Teaching V1.1
Let’s Write v1.1
Co-Construction Handout

I have put all the Writing with All Tools Continuum document up on a new page on the Comprehensive Literacy website. This will also be where I share future updated resources. You can check them out at https://www.comprehensiveliteracy.com/writing-with-all-tools-continuum.html#/

Keep on writing everyone!!

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Comments (4)

  1. Ulrike Lange


    Dear Jane,
    all the links in your newsletter do not work: server cannot be found.

    Best wishes from germany, Bremen

      • Ulrike Lange


        Hi Jane, it`s me again.
        THey are fixed on your website but they does not work in your newsletter. Perhaps you can sent it again with fixed links?
        For me itslearning does not matter, i found it – thanks but for many others……
        And thank you sooooo much for spreading all your ideas over the whole word!
        Greetings from Germany /Bremen an merry christmas

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