Literacy and AAC Presentations from AGOSCI 2013

Yesterday I was very lucky to present three papers around the topic of literacy instruction for students with complex communication needs (CCN) at the 2013 AGOSCI Conference. The first presentation was with the awesome Dr Sally Clendon.  Sally and I both do similar consulting roles – although Sally is based in Auckland, New Zealand. We

Connect2Educate: AAC and iPads in the Classroom

Today I presented with Fiona Barron from Malkara Specialist School at the AGOSCI 2013 Biennial Conference. Last year Fiona had a whole class of students who used iPads with Proloquo2Go as their high technology communication device – and the presentation today was shared the journey in her classroom with the delegates at the conference. The

Apps for AAC: Adding iPads to your AAC Toolkit

Today I am delighted and honoured to be presenting a pre-conference workshop at the 2013 AGOSCI Conference in Sydney with Janelle Sampson from Two Way Street and Kelly Moore from the Independent Living Centre in Western Australia. Below are links to the presentation resources. Part 1: Display content from SlideShare Click here to display content

PCS High Contrast: A valuable resource

This morning I have been making up a couple of communication books that I want to trial with students in the coming term. The following photo of my dining table is submitted as evidence! (And I’m hoping the Christmas decoration still on the table is extra proof that I actually took this photo today!) I

Big Mouth Camp 2012

Big Mouth Camp 2012 is over – and I hope a fabulous time was had by all! Big Mouth Camp is a camp for students who use speech generating devices, their families and lots of other people! I started Big Mouth Camp in 2003 after the Victorian government began funding speech generating devices for school

Speaking APPropriately: AAC Apps for iPad

  Presentation and handouts for my hands-on AAC Apps session at the Inclusive Learning Technologies Conference 2012. Click here to download the handout for the presentation. Click here to download the step-by-step instruction sheets for the hands-on activities.

Making Up a Guided Reading Pack

Please note: The guided reading packs are no longer available.  Additionally, I no longer recommend this process as so many students now have access to robust AAC.  Guided reading is now called comprehension instruction – see On my website I have a number of Guided Reading Packs for download.  These are resources I’ve made