Apps for AAC: Adding iPads to your AAC Toolkit

Today I am delighted and honoured to be presenting a pre-conference workshop at the 2013 AGOSCI Conference in Sydney with Janelle Sampson from Two Way Street and Kelly Moore from the Independent Living Centre in Western Australia.

Below are links to the presentation resources.

Part 1:

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Part 2:

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Part 3:

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Comments (6)

  1. Reply

    Wow, Thank you so much for sharing these amazing presentations/resources. Since you are so generous to share, the information is educating and benefitting students, professionals, and families around the world.

  2. Reply

    Jane, these are phenomenal presentation resources. Thanks so much for making them available to all of us who can’t be at AGOSCI!

  3. Reply

    Our pleasure Robyn and Carole! It was fabulous presenting with Janelle and Kelly too – great to have such wonderful colleagues.

  4. Meryl


    Thanks so much, Jane and team. These are wonderful resources to help us maintain focus and train others in the constantly changing world of AAC.

    • Reply

      Our pleasure Meryl – it was great to collaborate on these presentations. We all learned so much from each other and had some really great discussions 🙂

  5. Pingback: Adding movies to your augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system. | janelle sampson - Two Way Street

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