Teaching the Use of Inner Voice in Reading

Reading silently WITH comprehension is the goal of all reading instruction. Every literacy learner and every literacy teacher is aiming towards this goal. Many students go through a process at school where they learn first to read “out loud” and then move to using their inner voice.  But for students with complex communication needs (CCN),

Implementation of iPads for AAC in a Specialist School

  I recently had an article published in Perspectives on AAC that I wanted to share here as I thought it could be useful for others who are on the same journey.  You can access the original article at http://sig12perspectives.pubs.asha.org/article.aspx?articleid=2322984. And to give you a visual to go with the article – the video below

Shared Reading: Focus on Interaction

Shared reading is a collaborative learning activity that emulates and builds on the bedtime book experiences that many children and parents have together. The focus during shared reading is on the interaction. Shared reading is appropriate for any emergent reader, no matter their age and can be done individually or in small groups. Focus on

Leading to Literacy

I was very privileged to be invited to do a plenary presentation at the Queensland Association of Special Education Leaders‘ annual conference.   Below is the presentation I gave on “Leading to Literacy” where I got to talk about the fabulous Willans Hill School and the four years of our journey implementing balanced literacy instruction

AAC and Literacy in Partnership to Develop Language

Today I was lucky enough to present at the AGOSCI 2015 National Conference with the amazing Helen Tainsh on using literacy and AAC intervention to develop language. Helen works in both early intervention at the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre and in private practice, where she supports a number of students in mainstream schools.  Currently, I’m

AAC: Systemic Change for Individual Success

Last year I wrote a blog post about AAC: Systemic Change for Individual Success. This is something I feel very strongly about – so I also submitted it as a presentation for this year’s National AGOSCI Conference. The presentation was today, Day 1 of #AGOSCI2015 – and I promised those attending that I would share

AAC apps list updated

Updated to add: The AAC Apps list has been discontinued. I’m very pleased to say that I have just updated the AAC apps list again! This time 106 of the existing apps have been updated and there are 23 new apps.  You can see a list of all the Additions and Updates by clicking here.

Using the AAC apps list

Updated to add: The AAC Apps list has been discontinued It’s October, so it’s International AAC Awareness Month. As a result I thought it was time to blog about one of the most accessed resources on this website – the AAC apps list. Earlier this year we needed to do some changes to the AAC