SimplyWorks for iPad Part 1: Switch Access

SimplyWorks for iPad is another iPad switch interface option from Pretorian. It offers control of music, videos, VoiceOver keyboard options for scanning, switch accessible apps, the iPad camera shutter function and iBooks. It can be paired with a SimplyWorks keyboard, SimplyWorks Joystick or SimplyWorks switch – thereby providing a range of iPad alternative control options. 

iPad Apps for Guided Reading

As iPads become more and more common in schools, I am asked more frequently for suggestions of apps in so many areas.  Many of us have had the experience of downloading an app that looks like it will meet our needs – but once we download it from the iTunes store it isn’t quite what

Speaking APPropriately: AAC Apps for iPad

  Presentation and handouts for my hands-on AAC Apps session at the Inclusive Learning Technologies Conference 2012. Click here to download the handout for the presentation. Click here to download the step-by-step instruction sheets for the hands-on activities.