Literacy and AAC Presentations from AGOSCI 2013

Yesterday I was very lucky to present three papers around the topic of literacy instruction for students with complex communication needs (CCN) at the 2013 AGOSCI Conference.

The first presentation was with the awesome Dr Sally Clendon.  Sally and I both do similar consulting roles – although Sally is based in Auckland, New Zealand. We try to collaborate with each other as much as we can.  Our presentation was entitled “Balanced Word Instruction – Supporting Students with CCN to Crack the Alphabetic Code” and allowed us both to share some of the fabulous things happening in the different schools we work with.  Thanks to staff and students from Kilparrin Teaching and Assessment School in Adelaide, Malkara Specialist School in Canberra, Acacia Hill School in Alice Springs and Wairau Valley School in Auckland for allowing us to share their photos and videos.  You can view the slideshow for this presentation below:

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The second presentation was with the very knowledgeable Helen Tainsh. Helen and I both have a passion for literacy and for AAC and we also love collaborating!  Our presentation was entitled “Connect2Literacy: Communication Supports for Guided Reading” and the slideshow is below.

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And my third presentation was with an excellent and keen young teacher that I have been working with for the last 18 months.  Beccy Hayes works at Kilparrin Teaching and Assessment School, and our presentation was entitled “Connect 2 Literacy: Literacy Instruction for Complex Students”. Unfortunately I am unable to share this presentation as there are too many student details and photos for it to make sense if I removed them (as I would have to if sharing on the web).
For those of you who came to these sessions, we hope you enjoyed them.  These are the last resources I’ll be sharing from the AGOSCI Conference as I didn’t have any presentations on the final day – and hopefully I’ll see lots of you at the next AGOSCI in Brisbane from May 13 to 16 in 2015!

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Comments (6)

  1. Kylie Toynton


    Hi Jane, I couldn’t make it to AGOSCI this year so thanks for generously sharing these resources

  2. Reply

    Thank you Jane, I was lucky enough to see two of your presentations at the AGOSCI conference and look forward to seeing the third. I found them to be very enjoyable and really informative and as a parent of a child who uses AAC I am now inspired to work with her at home and get her school on board to increase and improve her literacy skills. Thanks again.

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