Flip Charts – An important Emergent Writing Tool

A long time ago, I learned about flip charts for emergent writers, thanks to Karen Erickson and David Koppenhaver. Writing flip charts were first developed by Gretchen Hanser and staff at the Centre for Literacy and Disability Studies Flip charts as a writing tool appealed to me for a lot of reasons.  Firstly, because I

AGOSCI 2017 Presentations

Today I went to one of my very happy places – an AGOSCI conference.  I love AGOSCI.  The Australian AAC Community is so inclusive and supportive – and extremely clever!  The AGOSCI 2017 conference was fabulous as always – and I’m just sorry that for the first time in 25 years I’m not attending the whole

Switch Accessible Apps List: Updated!

  Updated to add: The Switch Accessible Apps List has been discontinued. It has been quite some time since we updated our switch accessible apps list  – nearly 18 months in fact!  During this time we have been focusing on the Switch Control built into iOS and learning the range of options it now provides. 

Using the AAC apps list

Updated to add: The AAC Apps list has been discontinued It’s October, so it’s International AAC Awareness Month. As a result I thought it was time to blog about one of the most accessed resources on this website – the AAC apps list. Earlier this year we needed to do some changes to the AAC

Brain Computer Interface at ISAAC 2014

Last week I was very fortunate to attend the ISAAC Conference in Portugal.  One of the highlights for me was learning more about Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and even getting to try one. Dr Melanie Fried-Oken, who is a really fabulous and practical researcher in the area of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) presented about

How do I use a switch with an iPad? iOS 7 Overview

The latest operating system for the iPad/iPhone/iPod touch, iOS 7, has introduced some major changes to the accessibility of these devices.  In particular, switch access is now built right into the accessibility options, providing operating system level alternative access to these tablet devices for the first time – and this update is the main purpose