AGOSCI 2017 Presentations

Today I went to one of my very happy places – an AGOSCI conference.  I love AGOSCI.  The Australian AAC Community is so inclusive and supportive – and extremely clever!  The AGOSCI 2017 conference was fabulous as always – and I’m just sorry that for the first time in 25 years I’m not attending the whole thing.

As promised to those who attended, I’m sharing two of the presentations I was involved with here.

The first presentation is “The Right to Write” – about the importance of writing as a component of any literacy instruction but also as an important life tool too.  You can see this presentation (minus the videos) below:

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The second presentation is one I was lucky enough to do with the amazing Sally Clendon. “Never too late” is about literacy teaching with older secondary school aged students.  Both Sally and I believe literacy is important at any age while someone is still learning to be an independent reader and writer – but we also acknowledge that sometimes there are other priorities with students who are leaving school soon – and this is an example of how we are working with some schools to combine those priorities.


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Please note – both presentations have some photos and all video removed.  We hope that they are still useful.

And for those of you who are there – enjoy the rest of AGOSCI and dance up a storm at the dinner!


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Comments (2)

  1. Reply

    Jane, thanks so much for sharing. I do wish I could make an AGOSCI some year… its a dream of mine… however, I will make Aussi ISAAC!… but Jane, dear – however could you miss a chance to dance? Kelly F

    • jane


      I know – I’m still shocked myself! But Amsterdam was calling me 🙂

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