Using USB switch interfaces with switch accessible apps on your iPad

This is a very quick blog post to share a great resource from Bill Ziegler, Apple Distinguished Educator and Assistive Technology Consultant.

Bill has created a very informative Vimeo about how to use a USB switch interface for a computer to access switch accessible apps on your iPad.  This is a question I often get asked about – and I’m so pleased that Bill has figured out how to do it and has also shared the solution with all of us. Please check out the video below!

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Using BlueTooth Apps from Bill Ziegler on Vimeo.

Thanks Bill!

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Comments (10)

  1. Mary-Louise


    That is amazing! I want a banana switch! Thanks so much Jane. Is a Crick switch interface one of those Legacy interfaces that Bill talked about?

    • Reply

      Mary Louise – I’ve got a couple of Makey Makeys and I fully intend to put some of my time off over the next couple of weeks to seeing what odd things I can turn into a switch. It won’t be work – it will absolutely be fun! Regarding the Crick, I need to give that a go and that’s also on my list to do. The Crick is a bit different because you set the key presses through the software – however I’m hoping if I set them that set the key presses before I unplug from a computer that it will carry through to the iPad. I’ll let you know!

  2. Reply

    Think I might try and get some Makey Makeys for Mac & his peers to experiment with in class… Could be a cool lesson as part of science or even for Mac to work with someone for the science fair… V.Cool!

  3. jane


    Joanne – you can use the USB Don Johnson one but I’m not sure about the AbleNet one as I don’t own one to test it. I know the Crick USB and the JoyCable don’t work – so it isn’t universal. Cheers Jane

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