Zombies and Independent Reading

Over the last few years, I have come across a bunch of students who are highly motivated and interested in anything to do with Zombies!

Now, Zombies are not something I know a lot about… but what I do know is that providing independent and/or shared reading choices in a student’s area(s) of interest is a great way to increase engagement in reading. So, I have put together some resources on this topic.

And since this seems to be a growing area of interest among students I thought I’d share it. So – if any of you have students who are interested in Zombies, here’s a book I’ve written and some other suggestions as well.

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My absolute favourite Zombie-genre book for shared reading is called “My Dead Bunny“. It’s hilarious and has been so popular. You can see the trailer below.

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The Very Hungry Zombie has also been very popular – lots of teens love the fact that it is a parody of a book that they have read many times. This is available as both a printed book and an Ebook for Kindle.

Front cover of The Very Hungry Zombie

Another parody that has been really popular is Zombie McCrombie from an overturned Kombi – many students who remember Hairy Maclary fondly love this one.

Front cover of Zombie McCrombie from an overturned Kombi

And an original book that has been really popular is “Zombie wants a Cookie“. I think we all feel a common bond with anyone who wants a cookie – even a Zombie!

If you have students who need more books for independent reading who really like this topic, there’s a great list of Zombie books at Surviving Teacher Salary.

Happy Zombie reading – and keep your brains safe 🙂

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Comments (8)

  1. Reply

    Hi Jane, thanks for recommending My Dead Bunny! It’s not for everyone – it’s not a bedtime story for kindy kids – but hopefully your readers enjoy it.

    • jane


      It’s my pleasure James – I love it! I work with a lot of older students who are early in their literacy journey and it’s perfect for them!

  2. Andi Townsend


    Hi Jane, I think the Zombies will speak to a lot of kids. When I tried to look at the Teen version pdf, the original version downloaded. Can you check that link? Thanks so much! Love your tips!

    • Bec Cram


      Hi Andi – I’m pretty sure it’s just the last page that has been changed on the Teen version, so you might have missed the change? Subtle, but obviously not suitable to JP kids!

      • jane


        Thanks Bec! My website hasn’t been working properly so I haven’t been able to check the download – but if you’ve seen it that it great. Thank-you!!!

        • jane


          And Andi – hopefully Bec’s comment explained that the difference is just subtle! Glad you like my blog 🙂

  3. Bec Cram


    Too many zombies are never enough. Love the parodies, and I was singing in my head to the Five Zombies – love the Teen version last page (our youngest had a Death Day party for her birthday a couple of years ago) very relatable!

    • jane


      Oh so funny! I bet you had lots of fun with the death day party! Originally the teen version was my only version (since that’s the age group I wrote it for) but my colleagues suggested I needed a version for younger students!

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